Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Sometimes I get inspired by the simplest things. Tonight I have been inspired by a butterfly. Well, not an actual one but by The Butterfly Project. You can click on the link for more information.

This project speaks to me for a couple of reasons on the knowledge that of the 6 million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust, 1.5 million of them were children...CHILDREN!

The second reason is that the one thing that my Dad has known about his biological parents was that they were Jewish immigrants. He knows nothing much else about them.  I have always wondered if they came to the U.S. to flea persecution? Did their families perish along with so many others?  In essence, this is personal.

I have visited the Holocaust Museum of St. Louis and I met face to face with a survivor and heard her story. In fact, I worked for a survivor by the name of Barbara Grossberg.

This project puts focus on the children. These children who did not grow up and who did not get to play like other children. These children who were torn from the arms of the parents and never seen again. It pains me to think of the atrocity bestowed upon them. The least I can do (and you can too) is remember that the existed, remember that they were live human beings and make a butterfly.

Peace...Naila Moon

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pencil, Pen, Marker or Crayon...We can do it!

Many of us here in Bloggerville and around the Cyber World actually write letters. Yeah, you know, that thing done with a pen and paper (or if you prefer crayons hee hee!)
I have received some wonderful cards and letters from people I have never met and I appreciate everyone of them. Do you know what it is like to receive good mail? My loyal readers, I promise I will have a follow up about that at another time. 

However, today I want to talk about some other people who need to hear from us. The people who have served our country proudly need to receive the written word from us.

As in the past, the American Red Cross is collecting holiday cards for those soldiers and families who are in the military hospitals.

They need to hear this holiday season that we still care, that we appreciate them and we thank them for their service to us and our country.
I am asking you today to write a letter or send a card right now, right this minute.

Here is the address:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD

Please note the rules for sending per the Red Cross: 
  • Make sure you address as indicated above and no other way, otherwise the cards will be returned
  • Must be sent BEFORE December 10th
  • Do not send any other gifts or insert because they will be removed from your card or letter
  • Write generically eg. "Dear Soldier"

We can do this my friends. It only takes a moment and will brighten the lives of others.

Peace....Naila Moon 

Pen, paper, marker or crayon...we can do this!

Many of us here in Bloggerville and around the Cyber World actually write letters. Yeah, you know, that thing done with a pen and paper (or if you prefer crayons hee hee!)

I have received some wonderful cards and letters from people I have never met and I appreciate everyone of them. Do you know what it is like to receive good mail? My loyal readers, I promise I will have a follow up about that at another time. 

However, today I want to talk about some other people who need to hear from us. The people who have served our country proudly need to receive the written word from us.

As in the past, the American Red Cross is collecting holiday cards for those soldiers and families who are in the military hospitals.

They need to hear this holiday season that we still care, that we appreciate them and we thank them for their service to us and our country.

I am asking you today to write a letter or send a card right now, right this minute.

Here is the address:

Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD

Please note the rules for sending per the Red Cross: 

  • Make sure you address as indicated above and no other way, otherwise the cards will be returned
  • Must be sent BEFORE December 10th
  • Do not send any other gifts or insert because they will be removed from your card or letter
  • Write generically eg. "Dear Soldier"

We can do this my friends. It only takes a moment and will brighten the lives of others.

Peace....Naila Moon

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm Sure Erma Bombeck will not mind

Hello everyone out in Bloggerville and X-ply.
As many of you know my aunt has been fighting breast cancer all year long.  I receive the following in my e-mail today and want to pass it along this way. By all means copy and paste if you want to. I am pretty sure Erma Bombeck would not mind if we did so.  She was a funny lady with a lot to say. Please enjoy and of course in her words, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff."
Peace...Naila Moon


All the ribbons of cancer                                                                                                                

In memory of Erma Bombeck who lost her fight with cancer.


Pass this on to five women (or men I say)that you want watched over.

LIFE TO LIVE OVER - by Erma Bombeck(written after she found out she was dying from cancer).

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.' There would have been more 'I love you's' More 'I'm sorry's.'

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute ... look at it and really see itlive it and never give it back... STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!
Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what. Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.

If you don't mind, send this on to all the women (and men I think) you are grateful to have as friends.

Maybe we should all grab that purple hat earlier.

Please send this to five phenomenal people today in celebration of life!

LIT! Please keep the candle going.

All you are asked to do is keep this circulating, even if it's to one more person, in memory of anyone you know who has been struck by cancer.

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle.

By sending this on, you will think and realize how you've been blessed, up until now.
This is a disease which affects all families... no one is exempt!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October blog challenge/Day 12

Day 12's blog challenge is a simple one because it is what music would you like played at your wedding or if you are  not married what would you like.

Well, as Tamirisc and I married Christmas Day in 2008 in a REALLY small and intimate wedding. We only had two pieces of music. 

Photo taken of us by my daughter, of the best days of my life.Christmas Day 2008

The one piece that says the most about us is Heart's "Anything is Possible".

Apart we are only individuals but together we are strong and can accomplish anything because anything is possible with us together.

Peace...Naila Moon

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October blog challenge/Day 7

Here it is day 7 of the October blog challenge and I am asked what 5 things could you not possibly live without. My mind immediately goes in a certain direction but are people things? Assuming that people will be put in this category for today, here are my picks.

1. My husband Tamirisc. He is my rock, my confident and lover. At this point in my life I would be totally lost without him.

2. My children first and foremost. They are crazy, fun loving and most of the time make me laugh. After them would be my daughter-in-law, my grand-daughter, parents, siblings and extended family.  (I suppose I coudl have said family but I really needed to qualify.)

3.  I really could not do without my spiritual relationships. There has been times I probably would have died without that.

4.  My friends. Here is my close friend Jean but I have other close friends, Stephen, Trish, Storme, Debra, Kelly. Each of these friends has enriched my life in one way or the other.  There are others but just not as close. (I do want to include on line friends as well because they too have been inspiration or a source of encouragement.)

5. I do not know what I would do without the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe and the life giving stuff that I am privy to everyday.

I am blessed by so many people and things.

Peace...Naila Moon

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October blog challenge/Day 6

October blog challenge-Day 6...Memory you would like to relive

Today is day 6 of the October blog challenge and it is what memory would I like to relive.

Actually, this is quite easy to answer but in truth, I really do not want to relive any moments in the past. See, I think we live what we live and then we move forward. Our past shapes us and moves us in a new direction. Those directions may be positive or negative but we do move one way or the other. I think it is up to us how we choose to move. 

Also, I tend to think if we could go back and relive something, it would not be the same. Certainly we would do something else to change it. For example if we had a bad memory, we would naturally want to go back and change it to something good. However, that means now, every thought, every action we did after that is now also changed. Do you see what I mean?

However, if I was to go back and relive a few moments, I would have to say 3 very important events.

The first two would be the birth of my children in 1987 & 1989.

My kids, Josh & Natasha

See, both of my kids were born by C-section.  I was knocked out cold for both of their births.  I did not see either of them until next day and actually in the case of my son, two days later.  I had complications with both births.  This is something I truly regret and envy other women who got to see their babies right after they were born.  The fact of the matter is, I have never seen a live birth and always wanted to.

The other moment I would want to relive is my marriage to Tamirisc.

Tamirisc and I were married in 2008 on Christmas day. We married in our condo in an extremely intimate wedding.  My daughter performed the wedding ceremony and we had one witness.
I suppose if I could go back, I would want my son there. I would also liked to have had my extended family there and probably married out under a tree. :)
However, in spite of that, it was the absolutely happiest day of my life in years.

So, what memory would you like to relive or change?

Peace...Naila Moon

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

10 Thoughts Tuesday...on Wed., on purpose

1. Hello my friend and fellow followers. I reserved my thoughts until today (Wed.)  I will explain as I go along here. I can say this, I am glad I did because there are a lot of happenings today.

2. The main reason I waited until today to grace you with my thoughts *grins* is because today is the last day for my aunt to have chemo. It is a celebration for her today and as many of you have been following my thoughts about her, I wanted to share the celebration with you too!  If you have not seen the video Tamirisc and I made, check it out below.

3. I also thought you would like to see a photo taken of her ringing that bell. (Note this is not my photo since I could not be there.)

4. Sooooo for other things happening...summer college from hell continued on in to this week.  I don't know if I told you or not but the paper I had written for Baseball History was not accepted by the professor.  He told me that I had to revamp it and the kicker being that it had to be in by tomorrow because grades are due. Could I send it via e-mail? Oh nooooooo! It had to be sent to his house (again) and of course this time I had to overnight it. That meant more money out of my pocket! Gah!!!!  All this for an elective credit.

5. Rush starts next Monday which means all the new freshmen and their parents will be hitting the book store, not to mention all the returning students. (Did I tell you our store serves 3 colleges?)
That is not too bad really because I like staying busy.  What is kinda bad this go around is it seems they have hired some complete morons to work with those of us that have been here for a while.  I will be amazed if they make it through the first day of rush, more/less 2 weeks of it.

6. Today I found a couple of web sites which excited me. These web sites were for those of us that actually like getting good mail and not all the junk that floods our mailboxes. I do include bills in with the junk. (hee hee)  What is exciting to me too is getting to use my new pens and meeting new people! Here are the sites if you want to join in.  Oh My Darling Pen Pals  World Post Pen Pals

7. As if that was not cool enough, I then came across a gal who was having a prize give-a-way. Of all the things she was giving away it happened to be postcards!!! Here is her link:  NYT Post card give away
I am adding her button too.
Not Your Average  Teen

8.Lately, here at Condo Lane we have been having some amazing skies here in the evening.  I wanted to share this one with you as it looked like the sky was on fire.  This was from last night.

See what I mean?  I am looking out tonight and it is gorgeous tonight too.

9. Good grief, I just forgot what I was going to write for my thought #9! Oh well, on to #10!

10. Tamirisc and I are considering a new "baby" for the family. She should be arriving in about a week or so. Stay tuned because we are sure to post some pictures of her.  We are "adopting" her from the neighbor below us who is leaving and wants her to live with nice people. ;)

Until next time...peace,
Naila Moon

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 Thoughts Tuesday...the late night edition




1. I missed my 10 thoughts last week due to being on vacation. Did you miss me? Yeah, I thought not. sigh...

2. In the last 3 weeks I have had two friends of my family die.

3. I guess it is my age but it is really tough to see old family friends and people I grew up with leave this life.  I know dying is apart of life but sometimes it really is hard to swallow.

4. For other things, an update on my aunt. She is finishing her chemo (finally) on August 11th. I am really glad to report that but still after all this time, she is scheduled to have a double mastectomy in the first part of September. It seems that it was a little nuts for her to have gone through all that and still have this end result. Please continue to keep her in prayer or thought.

5. Just so you know. I think, by the way, she is amazing. In all of this, she has not once complained...really, not once...and she has such a humor about her that it inspires me.  Here is a photo of her:



6. Speaking of people I admire, I will also mention my uncle. He has been amazing through this whole process for her and 100% supportive even when I know it scares him like crazy. Check out his shirt he wears to support her:



 If you can't read his shirt it says..."I wear pink for my wife"


7. Moving on...I am finally done with this summer's semester of college.  I am here to tell you right now, I do not plan to do that again. I may change my mind come next summer but right now, no way!  The classes were not so bad but the professors...well.....


8. I am kinda missing home again, the kids, the family, friends. I have not seen any of them since February. I hate feeling so seperated from them.

9. At different times in this last few months, different family or friends were supposed to come out this way but have had change of plans.

10. Well, I think it is raining now. It sounds so sweet. I do love the rain. There is something romantic about it. Kinda makes me want to snuggle up by a fire with my sweetie...that is, if I had a fireplace. 

side note: the hubby just came in and said it is not raining. sigh...I must be hearing things or wishful thinking.

Ok...well, that is all this brain has for this week. Take care.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 Thoughts Tuesday...the sleepy version (late too)

1. I am on vacation unofficially! I have a class tomorrow but after that, whoo hoo!

2, Tamirisc and I are going to Manitou for the weekend. It is the weekend before his birthday (on Monday) and that is where he wanted to go. I am in total agreement of course. Why wouldn't I? It is beautiful there. See?

3. The last time we were there snow was on the ground and it was cold. It will be nice to go up there this time in the Summer.
4. Did I mention Tamirisc is going to be 50 years old. Just sayin'.
5. As I mentioned before, I am almost done with classes for the Summer. I have  two full classes left and then final next Wed. I am going to be sooooooo glad to have that over with.
6. Of course then I start over in August. As I write, I have 14 hours on the books right now. I am thinking about adding another class. However, this class would be a fun one...tap dance!

7. I don't know, do you think it is crazy to take a tap dance class. I mean with all my back and leg problems?
8. Seriously, I need some advice here.
9. As I said in my title, I am sleepy. Really sleepy. It is beginning to rain here and that does not help. I wonder why it is we get sleepy when it is raining?
10. Tamirisc and I are considering going back to MO again for Christmas. Ok, so we aren't really considering it, we have decided! Now it is called getting funds to do just that. I almost would like to drive there BUT that is one long drive from Condo Lane and Tamirisc does not have his license yet.

Bonus thoughts:
1. Did she just say Tamirisc does not have his license? Yes, yes, I did!  He has never driven before. He had hoped to get his license before his birthday but that just has not happened. In part due to the fact we do not have a car. He was so proud (as I was) when he got his permit.
2. Unlike my home state of MO, here in Condo Lane, CO, you can keep your permit up until 3 years before renewing it. In MO I believe it is only 60 days.
3. None of my family is able to come out this way now. I hoped they would but now they cannot. sigh...I have not seen them since beginning of February. I miss them a lot.
4. Our grand-daughter will be almost 1 year old before we get to see her.
5. Isn't she cute?

Well enough for now...yawn...peace & love,
Naila Moon

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

10 Thoughts Tuesday...I'm back!!!!!! Well, sorta.

1. I decided to go back to doing 10 thoughts Tuesday. I guess I just missed doing it. You know it was kinda habit forming.
2. I am glad to see others still post 10 thoughts...nice very nice.
2. I am going to start cross posting these thoughts on Blogger. I have found a nice little nitch there.
3. Blogger feels like X-ply used to. I suppose I can never get away from X-ply though because I have some really fab friends here that I would surely miss.
4. It is pushing 100 degrees today and the hubby wants me to make him my famous...well it isn't that famous...chili.  I think he is a little nuts!
5. Did you ever wonder why they call it chili? It is not cold after all.
6. I went to school this Summer and I really should have taken it off. I am so freakin' tired!!!!
7. Fall semester is only like 3 weeks away. Oh my gosh!
8. The hubby is having his 50th birthday a week from next Monday. We are planning to go to Manitou next weekend for his b-day. It is where he wants to go and somehow we are going to make that happen!!
9. Has anyone seen Despicable Me yet? If you haven't by all means go!!  I also hear Karate Kid is really good. I have been told almost better than the original.
10. I have already contracted with the Minions to be my Minions in my bid to take over the world. I am only writing this so that my #1 Henchman remembers to have them polish my crown. *wink*

Bonus thoughts:
1. My kingdom is quite small right now and it is intolerable!
2. I wonder how many people have taken me seriously when I say I am taking over the world?
3. You have? Good! lol
4. btw-it is nice to be sorta back. How ya been?

Have a great week...peace.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello again

Have you noticed I have been MIA since my last post on June 3rd? No? Well, ok then...I actually thought not but I digress. Anyway, I had to step away from Multiply. It is not because I was angry with the world's problems or that I was angry at someone here. No, it was because I needed to step back and reevaluate good 'ole X-ply.
My reasons for initially being here were because I loved to blog, I loved meeting people and it was a home-y kind of place that was not like Facebook. In essence, it felt good to be here.
Then something happened. I am not sure when it happened but it just did. All of a sudden X-ply did not feel the same, people were not blogging, people were griping, and it just did not seem like a happy place. In fact if anything, it seemed sad.
So, I took off for awhile and played in FB and hung out there but still not that feel good place I want to be.  Then I discovered Blogger. I opened two blog sites there and you know what? It feels good but I cannot keep the nagging feeling I am missing something still.
Guess what it is? Yep, my "family" here at Multiply.  I just can't go completely away but I simply will not be here every day.
Much love and peace....
----------------------------------------PS> If you want to follow me (and Mark) on Blogger go here:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Chalk Festival

This is photos that I took at the annual Chalk Festival downtown. They close off a street called Larimer and the artist do their work right on the street. Remember these are all hand drawn. This was just a few of the hundreds that were done.
This was the first time Mark & I went to the festival.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Image & Words-Potluck week 55

I have been noticeably absent lately because of being in college. I am right now on a week long break before I begin again. I think the photo I took below in 2009 says it all.
Happy week everyone!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just a strange thought on a rainy evening

If you wish upon a star and put it in your pocket to save for a rainy day, don't you have a good chance of burning a hole in your pocket?

Monday, May 17, 2010

I never know what or who I will see on campus

These photos are random things and people I have seen on campus.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Generally speaking

You know generally I attempt to have pretty positive blogs here in X-ply. I personally think we have enough negativity in the world. However, this particular blog will be about something that has really perturbed me in the last two days. (You may stop reading here if you wish, I will not be upset if you do. Other wise please stay a few minutes.)
It bugs me enough that women are often seen as sex objects in commercials and TV shows. It is enough that are young women think they have to dress sexy to get a man. It is enough that we are constantly bombarded with weight loss programs to be oh so thin to be sexy.

Well, now I have really had it, I am fed up!

I am not the biggest fan of the Miss USA Pageant (I am not saying I haven't watched it-just not a fan) but I have to say I think what is going on with it this year borderlines on soft porn. This year in D. Trumps infinite wisdom, decided to have the women pose scantly clothed in promo shots. It has drawn a lot of flack and with good reason. If you wish to view the whole story and the rolling photos go here---->
Tell me, why is this necessary. Contrary to popular promotion, the whole pageant is based on beauty to begin with. All this new photography drives home is that these already beautiful young women are nothing more than sex objects for young (and old) men.

Ok, now on to point #2.
I viewed a post from my cousin about 6 & 7 yr old girls who were in a dance contest. Seems innocent enough, right? Wrong! Go here-------->

I was absolutely appalled by this. Again, we are teaching our VERY young girls that it is ok to dress way too sexy and shake their booty sexy in an attempt to get a man. Why? Personally I think the parents and the dance teacher of these girls should be horse whipped.

Please understand, I am not a prude and certainly feel everyone has a right to dress they way they want. If you want to dress sexy that is fine but think about the messages you are sending.
I think that women need to understand that we are beautiful just they way we are and that men need to see that of us. We do not need to wear pounds of makeup, dress provocatively and shake our booty like there is no tomorrow just to get them. For dang sure no 7 year old needs to be dressed that way! We should be seen as beautiful in other ways. Like our personality, our heart, our soul.
Sometimes I feel just as sexy when I have a great pair of jeans on and my husbands favorite shirt he likes me to wear.

So having said all you want to weigh in on this subject?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Picture Perfect-What Am I? Part 2-The reveal

As some people have already guessed. This is a photo of my Maternal Grandma in her red hat that I gave her for her birthday a few years ago.
Get it? "We are Very related."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Picture Perfect-What Am I?

This week we have a challenge to post part of a photo and to let others guess what it is.
Here is my photo and my hint. Good luck!

I am over 50 this is quite true.
We are very related and happy about it too.
If you see us laughing do not pass us by
because we might actually offer you a piece of our pie.