Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello again

Have you noticed I have been MIA since my last post on June 3rd? No? Well, ok then...I actually thought not but I digress. Anyway, I had to step away from Multiply. It is not because I was angry with the world's problems or that I was angry at someone here. No, it was because I needed to step back and reevaluate good 'ole X-ply.
My reasons for initially being here were because I loved to blog, I loved meeting people and it was a home-y kind of place that was not like Facebook. In essence, it felt good to be here.
Then something happened. I am not sure when it happened but it just did. All of a sudden X-ply did not feel the same, people were not blogging, people were griping, and it just did not seem like a happy place. In fact if anything, it seemed sad.
So, I took off for awhile and played in FB and hung out there but still not that feel good place I want to be.  Then I discovered Blogger. I opened two blog sites there and you know what? It feels good but I cannot keep the nagging feeling I am missing something still.
Guess what it is? Yep, my "family" here at Multiply.  I just can't go completely away but I simply will not be here every day.
Much love and peace....
----------------------------------------PS> If you want to follow me (and Mark) on Blogger go here:


  1. ~~ I am glad you will be here from time to time. I've always enjoyed your blogs. Have a great rest of the summer Michelle..........Hugs!

  2. I understand this very well. As everyone may have noticed, I disapeared for quite some time. At some point blogging changed from something I enjoyed, to something I was expected to complete od a daily basis. And I felt like I havd to visit and comment on every friends postings every day. I just didnt have the energy to do it for months at a time.
    I started hanging out on facebook and playing games. I still miss some of my friends here, and some of them have come to facebook, but I still dont feel I am ready to begin blogging again on a daily basis. not yet anyway.
    So yes, I do understand hun. (((HUG))) Love you!
