Monday, May 24, 2010

Image & Words-Potluck week 55

I have been noticeably absent lately because of being in college. I am right now on a week long break before I begin again. I think the photo I took below in 2009 says it all.
Happy week everyone!


  1. Aww, try not to wear yourself out!

  2. Well, I do my best but right near the end of school it gets a littel bit tiresome.
    I am sure Mark would like to hide somewhere until I have finished my papers.

  3. LOL It is summer too! I think we all have been busy!

  4. LOL! I feel your pain. I'm out of college now but I've been there. I feel like I'm back there again as I help my kids with their homework.

    Amy's Potluck week 55

  5. Back to school in 1 week. I am taking two classes this Summer.

  6. Michelle it's tough work with so much growth, fun and experiences I'LL NEVER HAVE.

    Hang in there girl. Your photo reminded me of my youngest son in college. My oldest went through so much more (Army over ten years)

    To each their own and dammit when you're tired and over taxed... somewhere, somehow we all manage to find that extra reserves of energy.

    Love your photo and words

  7. Thats a really nice shot with the color effects..nice job young lady....

  8. I'd say it's a little bit too late to take a Break,
    All work and no play ....Huuummmm ???... Well You know~!!!
    I Love it

    I have a Green lamp exactly like that one.
