Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October blog challenge/Day 6

October blog challenge-Day 6...Memory you would like to relive

Today is day 6 of the October blog challenge and it is what memory would I like to relive.

Actually, this is quite easy to answer but in truth, I really do not want to relive any moments in the past. See, I think we live what we live and then we move forward. Our past shapes us and moves us in a new direction. Those directions may be positive or negative but we do move one way or the other. I think it is up to us how we choose to move. 

Also, I tend to think if we could go back and relive something, it would not be the same. Certainly we would do something else to change it. For example if we had a bad memory, we would naturally want to go back and change it to something good. However, that means now, every thought, every action we did after that is now also changed. Do you see what I mean?

However, if I was to go back and relive a few moments, I would have to say 3 very important events.

The first two would be the birth of my children in 1987 & 1989.

My kids, Josh & Natasha

See, both of my kids were born by C-section.  I was knocked out cold for both of their births.  I did not see either of them until next day and actually in the case of my son, two days later.  I had complications with both births.  This is something I truly regret and envy other women who got to see their babies right after they were born.  The fact of the matter is, I have never seen a live birth and always wanted to.

The other moment I would want to relive is my marriage to Tamirisc.

Tamirisc and I were married in 2008 on Christmas day. We married in our condo in an extremely intimate wedding.  My daughter performed the wedding ceremony and we had one witness.
I suppose if I could go back, I would want my son there. I would also liked to have had my extended family there and probably married out under a tree. :)
However, in spite of that, it was the absolutely happiest day of my life in years.

So, what memory would you like to relive or change?

Peace...Naila Moon

1 comment:

  1. Yes I know what you mean about changing the past, and I agree with you.

    I wouldn't mind reliving certain times I showed my daughter beautiful places in nature.

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek........a Spider,,,,I'm oudda here

