Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 Thoughts Tuesday...the late night edition




1. I missed my 10 thoughts last week due to being on vacation. Did you miss me? Yeah, I thought not. sigh...

2. In the last 3 weeks I have had two friends of my family die.

3. I guess it is my age but it is really tough to see old family friends and people I grew up with leave this life.  I know dying is apart of life but sometimes it really is hard to swallow.

4. For other things, an update on my aunt. She is finishing her chemo (finally) on August 11th. I am really glad to report that but still after all this time, she is scheduled to have a double mastectomy in the first part of September. It seems that it was a little nuts for her to have gone through all that and still have this end result. Please continue to keep her in prayer or thought.

5. Just so you know. I think, by the way, she is amazing. In all of this, she has not once complained...really, not once...and she has such a humor about her that it inspires me.  Here is a photo of her:



6. Speaking of people I admire, I will also mention my uncle. He has been amazing through this whole process for her and 100% supportive even when I know it scares him like crazy. Check out his shirt he wears to support her:



 If you can't read his shirt it says..."I wear pink for my wife"


7. Moving on...I am finally done with this summer's semester of college.  I am here to tell you right now, I do not plan to do that again. I may change my mind come next summer but right now, no way!  The classes were not so bad but the professors...well.....


8. I am kinda missing home again, the kids, the family, friends. I have not seen any of them since February. I hate feeling so seperated from them.

9. At different times in this last few months, different family or friends were supposed to come out this way but have had change of plans.

10. Well, I think it is raining now. It sounds so sweet. I do love the rain. There is something romantic about it. Kinda makes me want to snuggle up by a fire with my sweetie...that is, if I had a fireplace. 

side note: the hubby just came in and said it is not raining. sigh...I must be hearing things or wishful thinking.

Ok...well, that is all this brain has for this week. Take care.


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