Many of us here in Bloggerville and around the Cyber World actually write letters. Yeah, you know, that thing done with a pen and paper (or if you prefer crayons hee hee!)
I have received some wonderful cards and letters from people I have never met and I appreciate everyone of them. Do you know what it is like to receive good mail? My loyal readers, I promise I will have a follow up about that at another time.
However, today I want to talk about some other people who need to hear from us. The people who have served our country proudly need to receive the written word from us.
As in the past, the American Red Cross is collecting holiday cards for those soldiers and families who are in the military hospitals.
They need to hear this holiday season that we still care, that we appreciate them and we thank them for their service to us and our country.
I am asking you today to write a letter or send a card right now, right this minute.
Here is the address:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD
Please note the rules for sending per the Red Cross:
Make sure you address as indicated above and no other way, otherwise the cards will be returned
Must be sent BEFORE December 10th
Do not send any other gifts or insert because they will be removed from your card or letter
Write generically eg. "Dear Soldier"
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