Tuesday, July 13, 2010

10 Thoughts Tuesday...I'm back!!!!!! Well, sorta.

1. I decided to go back to doing 10 thoughts Tuesday. I guess I just missed doing it. You know it was kinda habit forming.
2. I am glad to see others still post 10 thoughts...nice very nice.
2. I am going to start cross posting these thoughts on Blogger. I have found a nice little nitch there.
3. Blogger feels like X-ply used to. I suppose I can never get away from X-ply though because I have some really fab friends here that I would surely miss.
4. It is pushing 100 degrees today and the hubby wants me to make him my famous...well it isn't that famous...chili.  I think he is a little nuts!
5. Did you ever wonder why they call it chili? It is not cold after all.
6. I went to school this Summer and I really should have taken it off. I am so freakin' tired!!!!
7. Fall semester is only like 3 weeks away. Oh my gosh!
8. The hubby is having his 50th birthday a week from next Monday. We are planning to go to Manitou next weekend for his b-day. It is where he wants to go and somehow we are going to make that happen!!
9. Has anyone seen Despicable Me yet? If you haven't by all means go!!  I also hear Karate Kid is really good. I have been told almost better than the original.
10. I have already contracted with the Minions to be my Minions in my bid to take over the world. I am only writing this so that my #1 Henchman remembers to have them polish my crown. *wink*

Bonus thoughts:
1. My kingdom is quite small right now and it is intolerable!
2. I wonder how many people have taken me seriously when I say I am taking over the world?
3. You have? Good! lol
4. btw-it is nice to be sorta back. How ya been?

Have a great week...peace.


  1. 5. they call is chili cause it's made with chili peppers, silly chili LOL

    glad to see you sorta back hahaha

  2. Woo Hoo!!! She's baaaaaack... Love you Michelle.

  3. I'm a terrible bloggable buddy.... what's your blogger addy??? Miss ya!
